Youth Soccer "KICS" its way into Chicago Parks
The Chicago Parks Foundation (CPF) is proud to announce our fiscal partnership with KICS Chicago. KICS and CPF are working together to improve soccer fields within Chicago parks, to empower at risk youth, and to show off Chicago as a leader in global unity.
KICS is currently working with Chicago Parks Foundation and the Chicago Park District to improve soccer fields in near south Chicago parks including Dunbar Park, Lake Meadows, Park 540, Ping Tom Park and Women’s Park.
Youth Programs
KICS works specifically in Chicago to empower youth through promoting healthy lifestyles (KICS Healthy Kids Campaign), reducing violence (KICS 4 All), and providing employment programs (KICS University).
Since inception, KICS has reduced the body mass index (BMI) of participants by giving youth the opportunity to play on a community soccer team. This initiative is also a part of a 5 year study on reducing youth violence in Chicago. The study will be carried out in collaboration with various community groups including the Chicago Police Department, Chicago Public Schools, and various elected officials.
KICS provides young people in Chicago with the opportunity to become official state of Illinois soccer referees. Assistant referees can expect a salary of $20-27 per game and center referees can expect $30-40 per game. In addition to employment, this program hosts biannual youth seminars on responsible spending and savings.
KICS biggest event is their international soccer tournament, KICS Cup. Entering into its third year, KICS Cup will bring together over 125 teams from 13 different countries! The tournament gives young people ages 8 to 16 the opportunity to both play soccer in Chicago’s parks and interact with peers across cultures. This year, the tournament will start on July 6th and run until July 10th.