Meet the Green Team: Codal


Codal joined us for a Green Teams clean-up on August 17th at the Lincoln Park South Fields.

Codal is an award-winning design and development consultancy that helps enterprise organizations solve complex problems and accelerate growth through elegant, data-driven digital solutions. Our areas of expertise include application modernization, eCommerce, UX/UI design, product strategy, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. With a global team of the world’s best designers, developers, engineers, analysts, product managers, and strategists, along with an extensive partnership network of industry-leading technology providers, we’ve got the knowledge, experience, and resources to deliver impactful solutions that help our clients drive operational efficiencies, grow their customer base, and scale for the future.

We wanted to find ways for the company to give back to the Chicago community and help the environment. We spent some time two years ago researching event ideas and came across the CPF and Green Team program's website. We had a lot of fun doing the event last year so we decided to turn it into an annual company event.

Why is volunteering for the parks important to your organization?

Volunteering for the parks is important to our organization for two main reasons. Firstly, it demonstrates our commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability. By actively participating in park clean-up initiatives, we show our dedication to preserving and enhancing the natural spaces that are integral to our community's well-being.

Secondly, volunteering for parks aligns with our values of community engagement and teamwork. It provides a platform for our employees to come together outside of the workplace, fostering stronger relationships and a sense of unity. This shared experience not only boosts team morale but also encourages collaboration in a different context.

How does your organization’s mission relate to the work you’re doing with CPF?

Our organization's mission is to innovate, design with purpose, and engineer for a sustainable future. Working with CPF extends our mission beyond software development. It enables us to actively participate in a community that values innovation and sustainability, enriching our understanding and allowing us to create digital solutions that genuinely make a difference in the world. Our mission is not just about technology; it's about creating a positive impact and making our community a better place to live.

Share a highlight of your clean-up event experience.

Our clean-up event turned into a wonderful opportunity to connect with coworkers outside the office environment. It was truly heartening to see everyone come together not only as colleagues, but also as friends, all driven by a common purpose to make our community cleaner and greener. What added a special touch to the experience was the genuine gratitude we received from strangers passing by. As they stopped to thank us for our efforts, it highlighted the impact our actions had on the local environment and the people who enjoy it regularly. The event showcased how a simple act of cleaning up could foster both internal team bonding and external community appreciation.

Thank you for pitching in once again, Codal!

Our mission is not just about technology; it’s about creating a positive impact and making our community a better place to live.
— Shannon Sajkowski, Design Lead


Thanks to the generous support of our Green Teams, the Chicago Parks Foundation equips thousands of volunteers with free supplies for our Pitch In for the Parks citywide program.

Our 2023 Pitch In for the Parks season concludes at the end of October. We encourage you to join us next year and plan ahead for your 2024 Green Teams event now!

You can also join us with a gift or become a Chicago Parks Foundation Member! Your support helps make vital park programming like Pitch In for the Parks possible. When you invest in the parks, you invest in the communities who love and depend on them.

Chicago Parks Foundation