Look Who’s Pitching In: Cresco Labs!
In our LOOK WHO’S PITCHING IN story series, the Chicago Parks Foundation will introduce you to the volunteers who are making the 2021 season of Pitch In for the Parks + Green Teams citywide park clean-ups possible.
Today, we meet Cresco Labs!
CRESCO LABS joined us for a Green Teams clean-up on August 20th at Columbus Park.
Who is Cresco Labs?
Cresco Labs is one of the country’s largest vertically-integrated multistate cannabis operators, with the mission to normalize and professionalize cannabis.
How did your organization hear about CPF and the Green Team program?
Some of our employees were looking for a local park cleanup to participate in as a team. One of the options from their research was the Chicago Parks Foundation’s Green Team program.
Why is volunteering for the parks important to your organization?
Over the past eighteen months, Cresco employees have found that community cleanups are a great way for them to bond with their teammates and make a positive impact in the community while adhering to health and safety protocols. Safe, clean parks are vitally important to the environmental health of our neighborhoods, and provide beautiful spaces for wildlife, wellness, and community-building.
How does your organization’s mission relate to the work you’re doing with CPF?
One of Cresco’s Core Values is to Do Good and Add Value. We aim to create shared value by partnering with local organizations to provide volunteers, in-kind, and financial support to help strengthen the communities in which we live and work. Cresco employees receive 36 hours of paid time off per year to participate in volunteer activities. Neighborhood beautification efforts have been essential to our staff engagement and align with CPF’s mission to build a stronger community dedicated to supporting and conserving our city’s parks.
Thank you for pitching in, Cresco!
“Cresco employees have found that community cleanups are a great way for them to bond with their teammates and make a positive impact in the community while adhering to health and safety protocols.”
Help us cover as much park ground as possible this season. The Chicago Parks Foundation’s citywide Pitch In for the Parks volunteer effort equips volunteer with the supplies and support you need to make an impact across our city’s 600+ parks!
Anyone can host a Pitch In clean-up group (free supplies delivered to you) or join a free volunteer event on our calendar. Or schedule a personalized volunteer event for your coworkers with our Green Teams corporate clean-up program. Both programs run June through October 2021.
You can also join us with a gift or become a Chicago Parks Foundation Member! Your support helps make vital park programming like Pitch In for the Parks possible. When you invest in the parks, you invest in the communities who love and depend on them!