Meet the Green Team: Cubs & Cubs Charities
The Cubs and Cubs Charities joined CPF for two Green Team clean-ups this year, on June 21st at Humboldt Park and September 18th at Welles Park.
Being a good neighbor is part of the Chicago Cubs’ DNA. This year, Cubs associates volunteered to clean up two parks – Humboldt Park and Welles Park – which are part of Cubs Charities’ Diamond Project. Through the Diamond Project, Cubs Charities provides funds and equipment to nonprofit, neighborhood-based organizations that support baseball and softball leagues and capital improvement projects that improve the quality, safety and accessibility of local baseball fields or indoor training facilities.
Why is volunteering for the parks important to your organization?
Cubs Charities invests in safe places to play across Chicago and through these Green Team clean-ups, Cubs associates were able to give back to the community by helping maintain and improve parks for future generations.
Share a highlight of your clean-up event experience.
Being able to see kids enjoying the playground with ease was the highlight of the clean-up experience.
Thank you for pitching in, Cubs & Cubs Charities!
“Cubs Charities is proud to invest in safe places to play across Chicago to expand opportunities for children.”
Thanks to the generous support of our Green Teams, the Chicago Parks Foundation equips thousands of volunteers with free supplies for our Pitch In for the Parks citywide program.
Our 2023 Pitch In for the Parks season concludes at the end of October. We encourage you to join us next year and plan ahead for your 2024 Green Teams event now!
You can also join us with a gift or become a Chicago Parks Foundation Member! Your support helps make vital park programming like Pitch In for the Parks possible. When you invest in the parks, you invest in the communities who love and depend on them.